With practical examples, we can appreciate the influence that sports marketing and advertising has had around the world to become one of the economic engine of modern days, so important that nowadays specialise studies are needed. Cada vez es más frecuente ver a entidades deportivas con su propio departamento de comunicación y de marketing (incluso separados), con el objetivo de potenciar la imagen de club, ya que se ha convertido en una fuente de ingresos principal. Se recomienda a gestores y entrenadores, establecer directrices claras para fortalecer la cultura organizativa de las instituciones; teniendo buenas condiciones estructurales y un mayor sentimiento de pertenencia al club, se consiguen mayores y mejores posibilidades de manutención y progresión de talentos en las instituciones deportivas. Como las instituciones públicas municipales no tienen como prioridad el deporte de élite, el club presenta dificultades para mantener equipos cuyos jugadores comprenden edades más avanzadas. The context investigated comprises a Brazilian club with strong tradition in the training of athletes and important sporting achievements in the sport. Thus, some athletes did not even reach maturity in the sport and the club did not actually make use of talents in adult category competitions, i.e., there was no concern with the advancement of athletes to higher competitive levels.
In this sense, sports managers and coaches should establish clear guidelines for the strengthening of the organizational culture of the institution, since, with structural conditions and greater sense of belonging to the club, there are higher possibilities for maintenance of talents in the sports institution. The observation of the conditions provided by an environment, the daily routines and the results of processes occurred both in terms of sports and in terms of organization are key factors and should be understood as a starting point for investigations in this area (Henriksen et al. The documents used were provided by the Basketball Club Secretary, coaches and the Santa Catarina Basketball Federation (FCB): official club website and FCB, shipped and received correspondence, projects for sponsorship request, official transfer notes and withholding letters of athletes, board, coaches and FCB reports, FCB official notes, newspaper reports. The initial analysis of documentary sources provided by the institution identified three generations of athletes who won state titles: 1st generation (1994-1996); 2nd generation (1999-2003); 3rd generation (2006-2011). In this sense, the selection of athletes and former athletes who have contributed to historical information about the guidelines and the success factors of the Basketball Club followed this characterization and the following inclusion criteria: athletes who left the club to work in other teams and remain acting professionally in the adult team; athletes who left to work in other teams and returned to the club; athletes who left the sport in the youth category; athletes who remain in the club from the youth category to the adult team.
Data collection used interviews and documentary sources, tercera equipacion barcelona which were analyzed using the technique of content analysis. The information obtained from documentary sources and interviews were assessed by the categorical content analysis technique (Bardin, 2011) using the QSR NVivo software, version 9.2, whose categories were developed a priori from theoretical frameworks: proposed guidelines (Green, 2005) – recruitment of athletes (invitation, disclosure, hiring, return), retention of athletes (permanence reasons, dropout, transfer and return, proposals and actions taken); environmental success factors (Henriksen et al., 2010) – preconditions (financial, material, human), process (meetings, social events, training, competitions), results (development and individual achievements, group achievements, organizational culture). The results of this process occurred in the analyzed environment reflect the development and individual achievements of athletes, the group achievements and organizational culture of the Basketball Club. The results showed the importance of administrative organization of sports institutions guided by solid training guidelines that support the club management actions and emphasize the importance of public-private partnerships to increase the federated sport, where sponsorship exchanges such as scholarships in private universities and government policies become crucial for maintaining athletes in adulthood. In the documents and testimonies of the interviewees, it was clear that the guidelines were being modified and the club has always been seen only as a reference in the ‘training of athletes’ and that could not, for financial reasons, keep their players, and started having as goal to keep them in its teams (retention), so as to invest in high-performance team and have a representative adult team.
The process occurred in an environment of athlete development corresponds to the activities developed in it. In the specific case of the investigated Basketball Club, the following activities could be observed: meetings, social events, training, competitions. It is noteworthy that to outline the data collection process and support the process of discussion of data, the look of the Bioecological Theory of Human Development was used (Bronfenbrenner & Morris, 2006). Also, not to restrict the study to a bio-ecological assessment, the analysis was based on and discussion of data in the Sport Development Policies based on a pyramid model proposed by Green (2005) and on the Model of Environment Success Factors Proposed by Henriksen et al. Cita sugerida: Follie, A., Nascimento, J. V., Souza, E. R., Galatti, L. R., Graça, A. (2017) Female basketball athlete development environment: proposed guidelines and success factors. The selection of board members and coaches took place through the following inclusion criteria: current president (appointed by the board of directors and coaches for providing updated information on actions, guidelines and club purposes); former sports director (appointed by the board and coaches due to their contribution to the beginning of basketball in the city and the Basketball Club foundation process); coaches (all coaches working in competitive teams and the sports initiation schools).
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